Pretty and Pink

The TLC network has sued Jon Gosselin for opening his contract as a star of the hit reality show “Jon & Kate Plus 8.” This show was about Jon and his ex-wife Kate. Kate and Jon had 8 kids (get the title).

The lawsuit, filed October 16, 2009 in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Md., asserted that Gosselin has failed to meet his binding as an exclusive employee of the TLC, while appearing on rival networks’ programs for money and making allowable public disclosures about the show.

Gosselin has starred since on TLC since 2007 on the weekly show, a ratings hit for the show that has been hard in recent months by divorce of  Gosselin and his wife, Kate, argued , then filed for marital turmoil.


Sevin Nyne, Lindsey Lohan and Lorit Simon’s new fake tan spray, has recently been called thier own. The product was Lindsey’s way of making it easy to earn money, although Lohan didn’t create the product herself, she is being called the owner.

Lohan and Simon are being sued by a woman known as Jennifer Sunday, who claim that her and Lorit were the original owner [creators] of Sevin Nyne.

Jennifer’s attorney, Marcia Cohen says “If Ms. Lohan and Ms. Simon and their comanies and thier shareholders are profiting from the theft of my clients “invention” and are profiting from that product, my client is entitled to those proceeds.”

Everyone knows the rumor about Jon and Kate, right? If you didn’t Jon and Kate Gosselin have been saying they were going to get a divorce.  Jon has been seen in a photo with a teacher… Everyone believes Jon is cheating on Kate.  Jon set out a statement saying the woman he was with was a friend of his and he just now thought that he needs to be more careful with some of his friends now that he is on the news! Jon is making excuses for his behavior.   According to sources Kate and Jon are planning a vacation in separate houses!

For more information visit:–Kate-Gosselin-Headed-for-Divorce

The Jenny Craig commercial star is on the cover of People Magazine because has just lost 50 pounds! WHOA! Valerie Bertnelli was wearing a tiny bikini for the 1st time in 30 years!

Valerie is 48 and the former all-star child actress… The weight was off for more than a year now.

2 months ago, Valerie was trying hard to lose! She was training 5 days a week in the gym doing cardio and strength workouts.

Valerie’s cover edition will be out March 27, 2009. She will also be starring in a episode of Oprah, April 1!

Congrats Val!

These are our favorite songs this month!!!

1. Circus
2. Womanizer
3. Redneck Woman
4. Gives You H#!!
5. County Line

March 3, 1900 is his birthday! He wrote so many GREAT STORIES! He loves Green Eggs & Ham… So far can puzzle together who I’m talking about… If you said Dr. Seuss ( or Theodore Seuss Geisel ), you’re right! March 3rd is Dr. Seuss’ Birthday! Happy Birthday!

 He Loves Stories and So Do We! He and Sam Love Green Eggs & Ham!!! Here is one of his rhymes!!!

You can go by foot. You can go by cow. You can go by bike. You can go
on a Zike Bike if you like. I said GO, and GO I meant. Just go, go, GO
to this event.

How many of you like Dr. Seuss… I do! For More Info GO TO:

Posted By: Holly Heels


Katy Perry is a new pop artist! She is an amazing singer! Her carrer took of in 2008! Many people enjoy her music! I for one enjoy one of her songs (Hot n’ Cold).

For the Grammy’s Katy Perry sang “I Kissed A Girl” and I think that people enjoyed her performance! Some people didn’t! I don’t like to talk bad, so if you would like to know other people’s views you can go to Yahoo Answers!

Katy Perry is a talented girl… I like her music!!!

Posted By: LoveBug

Okay. These are the songs that we like like at Pretty and Pink!

1. Untouched- The Veronicas

2. She’s A Hottie – Toby Keith

3. Feel That Fire-  Deirks Bently

4. God Love Her – Toby Keith

5. Gun Powder and Lead- Mirandia Lambert



Baby Alive dolls are being called dangerous… Why? They are dangerous because they will start molding with all the food that they eat! Most important, they will wake your child up in the middle of the night because they leak! They are really cool. But I wouldn’t want one to wake me up in the middle of the night! LOL!

Posted By: Hollyheels!

Everyone at PrettyandPink loves Christmas! So, we have been emailing Santa online everyday for the past week! He will autually reply to your message… You may print out what he has sent you and everything else! Their are games, facts about the North Pole, and best of all Pictures of the Santas in the mall!!!

Here is the link: